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Julia Peltz

7th Summer

My name is Julia and this year will be my 7th summer at Chippewa. I am from Glencoe, IL and am currently a sophomore at New Trier High School. Outside of camp, I am involved with cross country, dance, and clubs in my school. One thing not a lot of people know about me is I’ve played guitar since I was 5.

This summer at camp, I will be teaching waterskiing and sailing. I like teaching these activities because since my first summer they have always been my favorite and I love to be on the lake! My favorite camp meal is chicken nuggets and my favorite Cathy’s flavor is Pirate’s Booty. Tan & White is my favorite Evening Program because I love to participate in the variety of games and be a part of a team. I love being a Chippy because camp has brought me friends from all over and memories for a lifetime. I am most excited for the summer of 2024 because I can’t wait to be a CIT and have campers of my own!

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